Tuesday, July 28, 2015

"EXTINCT SPECIES," the Abaco Spanish Barb Colonial Horses. "NUNKI" DIED.

"EXTINCT SPECIES," the Abaco Spanish Barb 
Colonial Horses. 
Nunki, the last mare of the Abaco Spanish Barb
Colonial Horses passed away in July 23, 2015.
Her bloodline species have gone EXTINCT.
She is a newborn star, a new dawn in the vast Universe.
The horses found on Abaco Island in the Bahamas were like no other. They were small and fleet, but perhaps their most striking feature was their white spotting pattern. Called Splashed White, the white pattern is known for creating bald faces and blue eyes as well as high leg and body white. In the past, many of the animals carried two copies of this distinctive white pattern giving them a distinctive half white appearance. The presence of Splashed White in their population however, was not their most important feature. Genetic testing has confirmed that these horses had a unique genetic heritage. The horses of Abaco Island were of direct Spanish Descent. The Abaco Spanish Barb Colonial Horses were priceless, a repository of equine genetics seen nowhere else in the world.
Old Photo of gorgeous Abaco Horses carrying the rare Splashed White Gene, now Extinct.
Old Photo of Capella, the beautiful stallion in the Abaco Island of the Bahamas.
Spanish Barbs were bred from the Barbary horses of the North Coast of Africa. One of the desert tribes known as the Moors invaded Spain with these peerless war horses and ruled Spain for hundreds of years.  When the Moors were finally driven out of Spain, the Spanish crossed these extraordinary horses with their own impressive breeds and came up with a horse of great intelligence, built for speed, stamina and survival under extreme conditions. The Barb is in no way related to the Arab, having a different bone structure and many characteristics not found in the Arab.  It has also been discovered, fairly recently, that one of the founding horses of the Thoroughbred line was a Barb.



1 comment:

Denise said...

such a wonderful post.