Sunday, February 23, 2014

On the Brink of Extinction. "NUNKI", the last Abaco "Barb" Wild Horse in the World.

On the Brink of Extinction. 
"NUNKI", the last Abaco "Barb" Wild Horse in the World.

Only one Abaco “Barb” Spanish Colonial Wild Horse left, "NUNKI."
Six decades ago, there were 200 or more wild horses on Great Abaco Island, Bahamas. These horses were the time-capsuled descendants of the horses that Christopher Columbus brought with him to the New World, at the end of the 15th Century. They are similar to their cousins, the Corolla Wild Horses of the Outer Banks in North Carolina. I'll write a brief history from a previous post...
"Spanish and Arabian/Barb horses were brought to the "New World" from the 1519 to mid-century. Horses were carried on the decks of Spanish ships and pushed overboard to swim ashore when the ships got near the shore. In a hostile environment, the Spanish settlers became ill and weakened, unable to care adequately for their livestock. North Carolina´s Outer Banks remained isolated for centuries and have been the last area of the State to be populated to saturation. This means there was little opportunity for adulteration of the Spanish blood line. The shallow sounds and marshes of the Outer Banks, while isolating and separating them from the mainland, were not impassible for young stallions traveling from island to island, gathering satellite herds and setting up new pasturage. Examinations by Veterinarians and horsemen, who are familiar with the Spanish-type horses, reveal too many similarities to ignore.
Our ongoing study of the Corolla herds provides DNA and data on behavioral and temperamental characteristics, which are common to them and to Spanish Barb/Arabian horses. The Corolla Wild Horses carry the distinguishing features of Spanish type horses. Their even temperament, endurance, size, and the startling beauty which crops up frequently in the Banker Horses all point strongly to their dramatic history.

These beautiful wild horses are the remnants of once numerous herds of Spanish stock which ran and roamed free along the pristine sandy islands of our coast of North Carolina. The Spanish Mustang Registry is satisfied that the Banker Horses, in particular the Corolla strain, are as lineally pure to the 16th Century Spanish importations as can be found in North America today."
The Abaco "Barb" Wild Horses lived independently and undisturbed until man disrupted the balance. All, but three were slaughtered in the early 1960s.
They came back to 35 animals by the mid 1990s. But, a hurricane pushed the horses out of their now destroyed forest habitat, where they had thrived for so long, into a lush and toxic citrus plantation that was hurricane-damaged and littered with chemicals, destroyed buildings, too-rich pastures, and poisonous plants.
It was the beginning of the end for the horses. Despite the best efforts of our team, the herd has been reduced to one mare, NUNKI.
The Wild Horses of Abaco Preservation Society, and Arkwild, Inc., need your help to turn this situation around. The world has stayed at arm’s length for long enough; it’s time to step up, to recognize what has been lost, and to save what is still here: the last mare, NUNKI, and her future offspring.
Our voices are the strongest weapon we have. Use it wisely to speak out, to become the voice of the voiceless, and inspire change.
Acts of kindness are the stepping-stones to making the world a better place to live. I am an animal lover and advocate. Can you help "NUNKI"?...I would.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Western Black Rhino Declared Extinct. Bad News!

Western Black Rhino Declared Extinct. Bad News!
This is terrible news for the animal world, extinction. Rhinos, one of the few giants has perished forever, because of human evil ways. Our voices, if you are an animal lover and advocate, are the strongest weapon we have. Use it, if you love animals, to speak out, to become the voice of the voiceless, and to inspire change. Extinction is forever. Now, these giants -rhinos- only dwell in Heaven.

London (CNN) -- Africa's western black rhino is now officially extinct according the latest review of animals and plants by the world's largest conservation network.
The subspecies of the black rhino -- which is classified as "critically endangered" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature's (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species -- was last seen in western Africa in 2006.
The IUCN warns that other rhinos could follow saying Africa's northern white rhino is "teetering on the brink of extinction" while Asia's Javan rhino is "making its last stand" due to continued poaching and lack of conservation.
"In the case of the western black rhino and the northern white rhino the situation could have had very different results if the suggested conservation measures had been implemented," Simon Stuart, chair of the IUCN species survival commission said in a statement.

This update offers both good and bad news on the status of many species around the world
"These measures must be strengthened now, specifically managing habitats in order to improve performance, preventing other rhinos from fading into extinction," Stuart added.
The IUCN points to conservation efforts which have paid off for the southern white rhino subspecies which have seen populations rise from less than 100 at the end of the 19th century to an estimated wild population of 20,000 today.
The greed and selfishness of human beings is truly demonic. To have mass murdered these wonderful living beings for some chump change is, in essence, the history of our ignorant species. Look around! Open your eyes! What do you see but an ocean of hatred, exploitation, and a boundless ocean of misery. The only way out is intense spiritual practice.
May those who murdered these black rhinos reap the fruit of their evil ways.

The Human Race—the only species that screws its own species over for financial gain—is a CANCER upon the Earth.
No matter how much humans try to deny this subject, deep down we all know that humans are their own worst enemies. We are afraid, unwilling to tackle this problem head-on, because it will inevitably raise some very uncomfortable questions about our own way of living, and about how that is impacting on the planet. Mankind has made the ultimately fatal error: believing that they are invincible, and their self-importance above all other species that it shares this planet with. There is a defect within the human setup, no doubt.
What makes this even worse, is the fact that most people across the globe are aware of the threats posed, yet no one seems to be willing/ able to do anything. The way it is looks most certain it's going to be far and away the shortest reign ever, of any of the species that ever ruled this planet.
It's just a terrible shame that we have to take the other species down along with us.

Humans have made another species go extinct in the 

name of harvesting body parts for one reason or 

another. Will they do it for money to humans too?

The greed and selfishness of human beings is truly demonic. To have mass murdered these wonderful living beings for some chump change is, in essence, the history of our ignorant species. Look around! Open your eyes! What do you see but an ocean of hatred, exploitation, and a boundless ocean of misery.

The only way out is intense spiritual practice.
Until we write again.
Sad Starry.

Friday, February 14, 2014



Have a blessed time with those you love, dear readers!!
Greetings from Poet Starry.